Operational partners

We are dedicated professionals in tech with decades of experience in building digital products.
Trizetto Provider Solutions
Trizetto Provider Solutions

TriZetto Provider Solutions’ aim is to simplify the business of healthcare. They achieve this by using in-depth industry knowledge to combine intuitive products with customer-focused services. The revenue cycle management services they provide make workflows efficient and effective.


DrFirst is a healthcare technology pioneer. Their consulting services connect people securely and ensure every touchpoint and every interaction is straightforward, smooth, and successful. Crucially for DrFirst, and for us, the focus is the patient.


Square facilitates financial transactions, providing easy ways to pay for patients to pay and resulting in less stress and greater efficiencies for Remedly’s clients. With Square’s mission to power businesses to succeed, we have got you covered.

Global Payments
Global Payments

Global Payments has created the world’s premier, complete commerce ecosystem which covers every eCommerce need of any business. Every transaction is seamless and safe, because nothing less is good enough.

The Auctus Group
The Auctus Group

The Auctus Group delivers claims management for plastic surgeons and dermatologists, ensuring their insurance revenues are optimized so they can focus on their patients’ health. Offering white glove, full-service billing, they go the extra mile on your behalf. Many thousands of practices in the U.S. are reaping the rewards of having Auctus ‘on board’.

360 Payments
360 Payments

360 Payments offers streamlined solutions for your practice’s checkout process, with simplified credit card processing and integrated payment services. Easy to deploy and highly secure, they offer aggressive pricing and customer hand holding for a quality experience.

Data partners


Ellkay facilitates the data migration process for Remedly’s clients, ensuring your valuable data is thoroughly and safely transitioned from your legacy system to Remedly. Ellkay are experts with many years’ experience in data migration to provide a smooth and stress free onboarding experience for Remedly’s customers.

In the years that Remedly and Ellkay have worked together, Ellkay has performed data transfer from a wide range of platforms to Remedly. Remedly’s Customer Success team is on hand throughout to guide the process and keep our customers informed.


Stanford StartX
Stanford StartX

StartX began as a launch pad for companies, it was founded by students and alumni of its partner, Stanford University. This independent company also partnered with Stanford Health Care and its exponential growth has been accompanied by a wider scope of its program and a wider community of founders.

When it began, StartX supported students and first-time founders who were in the early stages of company formation and product development. Since the start of its expansion this accelerator company has increased the type of companies it supports to include serial entrepreneurs and growth-stage companies.

StartX does not take equity in its participating companies, its partnership with Stanford enables it to invest. The Stanford-StartX Fund is an opt-in investment vehicle that will invest up to ten percent of a startup company’s financing round, assuming they meet the required criteria.

FCA Venture Partners
FCA Venture Partners

FCA Venture Partners invests in successful healthcare entrepreneurs and has an impressive portfolio. Its mission is to build sustainable businesses while adding strategic value. FCA Venture Partners was founded in 1996 and is located in Brentwood, Tennessee.

FCA invests $3-6M in healthcare companies that are advancing the industry by making processes faster, better and cheaper to improve the quality of patient care and enhance patient experience.

FCA is located in Nashville, its deep connections with Clayton Associates and the McWhorter Family, and investment in American healthcare put it in the strongest position to endorse disruptive opportunities with the ability to advance healthcare.

Strategic partners

LEO iLab
LEO iLab

LEO iLab is a digital solutions provider owned by a research-focused foundation. Operating for over 100 years, its focus is to identify and reduce the challenges faced by patients.

LEO iLab stays true to the mission of its Founder, LEO Pharma, to empower radical innovation and speed up the process of bringing it to market. This work is enabled by a unique business model, LEO Pharma is owned by LEO Foundation, it has no shareholders, its profits are reinvested in initiatives to help patients.

Stanford StartX
Stanford StartX

In 2018, StartX was named ‘Best start-up accelerator in the US’. StartX saw that medical start-ups have industry-specific needs, and that regular accelerator companies were not addressing them. StartX supports start-up founders to navigate the complex requirements of the medical industry, for example, wet/dry lab space, clean rooms and animal testing facilities, it also provides specialized guidance on med-tech intellectual property and the FDA approval process to medical companies.

StartX Med “Advances breakthrough healthcare technologies by accelerating the development of Stanford’s highest potential medical entrepreneurs”. This work is achieved because of a primary focus on people, it is these people who become the community that then educates StartX Med’s founders to fully comprehend what is required to transform healthcare. Founders across the entire innovation lifecycle in biotechnology, health IT, care delivery, medical device development, imaging and diagnostics, are all included in the education programme to reach and improve every aspect of modern healthcare.

Remedly is proud of its association with the StartX community of Stanford University affiliated founders and companies.

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